Working Title: a meta-thetical story (part 10)

part 7:

part 8:


Feminists tell us, don’t look at the woman standing in the box like a mannequin, as if she is an object. But one cannot blame the on-lookers in such a situation. They object: virginity is a social construct. Once I accept it, I end up with 747 Gambit: sexist is also a social construct ….

When push came to shove, I said, save the doctor, forget me. Even if the first open-heart surgery was performed with the help of a person, who did not go to any university. (Before somebody else writes in sq. brackets so what, I would say it: So what) ….

P/h, some readers are angry or wondering: after lambasting quotes, the author (OK, writer) do not get to quote G.C. Well, what he said was akin to the Law of Nature: Looking from Earth, the sky is blue during the day, and black during the night – there is cloudy grey version, too, but one gets the point ….

Prelude: It is as much a miscarriage of Justice when Epstein is convicted on wrong charges as when he is allowed to walk free (p/h, some prosecutor had got cold 14 yrs old feet).

Conclude: While a critic may be correct if ze says, this story is very bad. But if their reason is that I have employed RPG in two different meanings in 2 different places, then they are wrong: not only insofar as making this a critical rule in judging any work, but also since I had

part 9:

Or C

My name is Victor. I was named after Victoria Justice by my father who was in love with Themis et Nike as well as Mermaids like Adéle Exarchopoulos Anapola Mushkadiz – shells et silvery scales strewn all around them. His Amygdala surely activated from hiding their images from my mother. He didn’t like her, but still felt jealous of every man that passed us by. That’s not fair, daddy. And he was envious of me most of all, for I received royal treatment from his wife. He knew his nature well enough to have wanted to kill the foetus, once he came to know that I was a boy, on the pretext that he is so kind-hearted as to be unable to face the inevitable circumcision of his son. He would have stammered before saying the last word, which may have been deemed as mixed emotions choking his larynx.

Wait, did I tell you that I am a private detective. I became one only out of spite for my father who made sure that I was raised as a girl wearing feminine clothes, and he called me Victoria always. Whenever I cried for the toy that he had forgotten as usual despite promising, he’d call me hysteric – an illness once associated with women only. I wish if only I could retort him now: We all came from the uterus, get over it.

That day – a Sunday – came two strange types to my office. The first introduced himself simply as Baron. He told me that he had lost an heirloom – a brooch. Have you not insured it. Indeed he had, but I see, the company can give him only a sum with which he can have made an identical piece but of course bereft of the sentimental value of the heirloom. Does he have any picture of the now lost jewellery. Luckily, he had had made a replica, one minute.

He brought out the brooch from within his dress-jacket with his left hand, when it’d have been much easier to use the right. My fee is 3,000. Wouldn’t I ask where it was lost. I might, but he must agree to pay me the amount in advance. Almost ritualistically the Baron’s hand vanished in the jacket and fished out 3 new bills of 1,000 each. Before turning them over, he asked, when he should expect to receive the good news. Well, I am not the Baroness. His face reddened for a sec but then smiling wholeheartedly, he gave me the 3 grand.

I returned his brooch: Here is your heirloom, good day. … But how did I know. Well, the hallmark says 1837/2590. No, that was the year of the second anniversary of Baron xyz tying a knot with Baroness ABC. This type of agate is no longer available in open market. But it could have been a counterfeit. Indeed, but jewellers today just cannot help but to leave their mark. Which is … joints back in the day were done so seamlessly that one would think that your piece of jewellery had fallen from the Heavens in exactly that shape.

You are right. Now please leave, else I’d call the insurance company. We would like to keep you as our retainer. I am not a lawyer. That you are certainly not – what we meant was that we shall pay you a small fee on weekly basis, for at least the next six months. So, I can write up false reports in pursuit of an heirloom you hold very dear. Yes. But haven’t you received your insurance claim. That surely we have. Then why involve me in this jocus pocus. Do you really need to know. Not really. Shan’t you take our offer. Your request will be obliged only if you insist. We do insist. Not like that. How then. Convince me.

In six months, World may very well be a changed place, much different then now. Indeed, winter would be at its peak. How do you know that. Just like I know that a brand new US President would be taking oath of office. There you are wrong. How so. The current one is contemplating prospects of invoking FEMA. Well, you might not know that like the two Koreas have not ceased hostilities, the US is officially under emergency regulations since WW2. FEMA is a step ahead. And the Court would sanction it. You really live up to your name. Can’t help it. There shall be no Court. How’s that. Except for judges loyal to the President, others would be temporarily imprisoned. And you are telling me all this because your psychologist is dead. We don’t talk to her about matters of such sensitive nature. Then you must have chosen me through a lucky draw. Something like that – do you know about Cassandra. My father lived mythology. Good, we are randomly selecting people, so they can spread the news – we do so each time; there is a buzzing hum in the street: the beggars, the urchins, the vendors, the prostitutes, the taxi drivers, the waiters roar but are never believed – only the deafening silence is met with suspicion in the gossip circles of the upper echelons. Aren’t you one of them. We are there to rubbish as idle talk any word that does reach the ears.

You must have some personal motive in doing so. That indeed we do: you see, we are but one more patriot serving this great nation. By subverting the old order, na, something else is on your conscious. It subverts neither the old order nor the constitution: the President represents the order, and FEMA is part of the law. Upon their shoulders would be your barrel calling the shots, as he surely will be indebted to you. To us, no, no; we are but a messenger merely. Of whom. That we cannot divulge. And the heirloom is a test. No, it had to be lost. So you can gain sympathy: there goes our lord, who hath receiveth his claim but still searchest in vain for his family jewellary – if he is so loyal to his history, surely he will be to us all – cheers. Cheers, indeed. And when I find the brooch you will throw a party of the century waning in comparison the Olympic ceremony, and reminiscent of the good old days of ball dancing, where all the who’s who would be invited to an inverted image of the Ark.

You have a very vivid imagination, sir, we ought to tell you. So, now I am a sir. Well, there is no reason for adopting this tone. No reason at all. The exaggeration is never a problem, it even plays into our hands that the taxi driver hears 5 and speaks of 7 – so be our guest. And become roasted with Jove knows what LASER, no thank you. Nobody is going to be gassed, get burnt or anything. But may be incarcerated like the Japanese, for the time being. If necessary; but tell us what it shall be: Yes or No. I suppose, yes. Good.

He took his receipt, coat, hat et leave. Our conversation I had recorded by mistake on a mixtape I hadn’t had the chance to remove during the previous evening. For it’s a bittersweet symphony was cut short by the other strange character I was telling you about.

Do you take lost et found cases. I have just taken one. Very well – I want you to find me. It would be 3,000 only. He took out crumpled bank-notes from his hip-pocket after going through all others. They say on Sunday one’s twice lucky. What? On the shoulder he was patted by me: here you are; you have been found by me. I meant not corporeally, but how should I put it. Spiritually, I guess. Not exactly; it seems I can’t recollect who I am. You are not by any chance, how shall one put it, a nutcase, are you. I don’t even know that; all I recall is that I was somewhere, then I wasn’t there. And money money? Some pick-pocket slipped a roll into my pocket when I was ½-drunk singing a song of Police – at least, I think that that was that. Are you experiencing nausea et vertigo. No. And this is not a joke. It isn’t a joke, unless it’s at my expense.

The receiver was replaced upon the cradle by me. Tell me, did you lost your memory first or your one-slash-two sobriety. I think the memory, but what’s one-slash-two? You tell me. Did I say so. My head was shaken by me. It appears, I have more than one person residing in my skull, at least 2, may be more. And? I talk to myself. To myself is talking me. You don’t seem a passive person. So, now we are amateur psychologists, are we. It was just an observation, I mean …. It was a tease – and the passive voice is me avoiding the capital I: not only people complain of its over-usage, but also it makes one feel omnipotent, esp., since this language has abandoned the Germanic rules of capitalizations, it seems that we are hell-bent on becoming solipsists.

You dabble in philosophy, I take it. It’s everywhere, even on the hoarding blocking the sun, here. The window was rendered useless by the hoarding displaying, ironically, glass windows. I was shown the door, I think. When. Yesterday, I suppose. I got out of the Castle. Which Castle. No, I meant it metaphorically. If you can tell me what actually happened to you, I would think about taking your case. You must be familiar with Kafka. Nope. But he is everywhere. Not on the hoarding, he ain’t. In his work a man desperately wants to get inside a building. So, in your sequel, he gets out, and doesn’t know what happened to him on the inside. Something like that. Then you get drunk.

By chance, I happened upon a bar while strolling about trying to remember my identity, any tiny detail at all. But all I could see was me idly walking in an empty street. You could have doubled back. That’s the thing: it wasn’t just one long street, but multiple narrow streets crisscrossing each other. And all empty. All empty, yes. Except for the gay-bar. How did you know? I was there the previous night. Then you must have slipped your card into my pocket. Let’s hypothetically say, I did. I thought we were on the actual basis. On what basis. Nevermind, but do you often let slip your card like that. Can’t we talk about something else. Like what. Well, you got drunk before a pick-pocket of a cuckoo decided to lay eggs in your nest, empty as it was.

Somebody either knew me or mistook me for somebody else. That’s your guess. No, he told me that he had watched both of my movies, and liked them immensely. So, you are an actor. Sadly, no. A boom operator, then. I doubt that even the most die-hard fan of cinema stoop down below cinematographer. And you are that. What kind of an investigator jumps to conclusions so fast. A really great one.

As he was looking out the window in despair, the tape was changed by me. Which movies. He told me. Have you watched them since then. No, they are not available with the two DVD stores I went to, nor is the manager of the local cinema aware of their existence.

Maybe, the person in the bar was having a blast: sometimes, people want to create false memories, others go one better and act upon their imaginations. The problem is not the movies but my disappearance. Yes, but since you have lost everything, the false sun of these movies is shinning very bright on your sky. But they do exist, only not in this dimension. Dead-pan serious: Inter-dimensional cases I take not, here is your money – you might want to call on this number for an appointment with …. She told me not to turn back but I called the number in reverse. What are you saying. With each story we create an alternative history: in some other place, you have accepted my case, and another has you receiving a message addressed to Grigory Petrovsky. Now, why would I receive a message sent to a former Russian minister.

He began to laugh, b/c yours is designated – he laughed so hard as to bend over – the universal Dead Letter Office; got it, Dead. I called on an emergency number.

10 minutes later, he was on his way towards a place Foucault would have demolished, had Sartre not sent a letter

We are told that instead of looking (in awe or envy) at those who are better off than you; look instead at those who are below in standing than you, and be happy for your lot. However, there’s one thing (at least) where this G. rule is decidedly wrong, and that is Morals et good Manners – we must always aspire to be worthier.

One reason for banning music can be that it prevents its listener from hearing the music created by Mother Earth (waterfall, river/stream flow, birds’ chirping, et al) due to the trance-like feeling induced by the artificial. In other words, that while music itself conforms to Apollonian structure, its effect on listeners is Dionysian in nature.

The reason for avoiding personification of God. A paints Venus one way, B another, C likes A’s, D likes B’s, E comes around, dislikes both, and taking precedent from the preceding carves another Venus. Tribe X likes the interpretation of D, but is mesmerized with the Venus painted by A, v. v for Tribe Y, while Tribe Z worships both as well as carved Venus of E to form a Trinity. For no good reason, then, animosity et battles occur amid X, Y, Z.

Indeed, Jesus had said that he’s shepherd of lost sheep – the Jews. Even Islam took its cues from Judaism early on (Fasting in sync with Jewish Forty Days of Fasting was later changed to Ramadan, while Dome of the Rock is the first ‘qibla’ in Islam). Some Arab Jews had also recognized the Prophet of Islam as a Messenger of God. My understanding is Islam and Judaism share more similarities than either do with Pauline teachings (popularly known as Christianity). However, since the beginning, both came to saw their anti-thesis in the other: Muslims thought that Jews were betraying them, while, of course, it wasn’t easy for God’s own people to accept an outsider, when they had already refused Jesus as the Messiah. Paul had squarely blamed Jews for the betrayal of Christ (they were made to wear yellow badges long before Nazis did), and declared the Jewish Messiah the anti-Christ. Islam merely followed suit.

There are generally 3 sorts of religions

A.           manism;

B.           solarism;

C.           lunarism / Mother Earth;

Others are a mixture of two or all of the above: Shinto = A+B; Zoroastrianism = B+C.

Abrahamic Religions preach C. Mother Earth (Cybele) is worshipped in the form of a rock said to have fallen from sky, while Cube represents Earth as oppose to sphere (Cosmos). In the Northern hemisphere, Sun is not present in the North; hence all Abrahamic religions find it sacred, while the West is associated with Venus (Hesperus).

In opposition to Hinduism where temples are open to Sunlight, and the pundits remove hair from their scalps in order to receive more sunlight, Abrahamic religions prefer long hair and head-covering plus enclosed spaces of worship.

Islam asks its adherents to metaphorically show their backs to Sun 5 times daily, and additional worship during the night is advised unto those who can perform it; worship is forbidden at sunrise, sunset, and when the Sun is at its zenith; while the annual Pilgrimage is performed counter-clockwise (also done so in Christianity). Moreover, fasting is done during the day-hours (for 29/30 days each year) making many sick of Sunlight, itself, with energy returning only in night.

Furthermore, Islam was spread to areas where people are nauseated by the hot Sun. Christianity, however, was more accommodating not only to all weathers but it also tolerated et assimilated many Pagan customs – winning the ire of Nietzsche for this course of action. The secrecy maintained in Judaism reinforces the fact that it is a religion of the night, and want to remain so by discouraging conversion into Judaism.

Fire stands in for sun, hence Hinduism, etc cremate, while Abrahamic religions bury the dead – Ashes to A, Dust to D.

(A sort of digression: Hair is sacrificed during the annual hajj Pilgrimage by Muslim men completely, and by women symbolically – hair being akin to grass on the land, are sacrificed in the sense that we hold God dearer even when we do not receive grain. They, moreover, signify the divinity or power of Zeus, Shiva, et the Egyptian gods.

(N.B. Even though Greek mythology or Hinduism recognizes a number of deities, their practitioners usually worship one or two of them – some worship Shiva, others Krishna, or some Apollo and others Dion’.)

Here is no John Doe. So, you have found his identity. No such patient has been admitted in the past few days. Can you show me the register. No. But I was the one who called your facility. This isn’t my facility. Granted, still an E.V from this facility came to pick a person in need of healthcare. No vehicle has been dispatched on … when was it. Sunday. The previous one. No, the tomorrow one. Are you sure, you aren’t the one you are looking for. Dead serious he said: Pretty sure. Alright, but we are closed on Sundays. Do the prospective madmen know this fact. What fact. The E.Vs from this facility do roam the roads, right. Yes, but you haven’t answered my question. It’s an inside joke, not on you. If you say so. I am saying so – is there any person in charge of taking care of the vehicles. Yes. Where would I please to meet the guy fighting against thermodynamics laws. Why do you speak in riddles. Occupational hazard, I infer. Should I call hazchem. Just tell me where to find him. The hazchem. The person in charge, remember. In the cabin near Southern Underground Parking Lot. Nice meeting you. Can I get your number. Do not worry yourself on that account, madam.

The S.U.P.L was in fact in the North, or that’s what the PSVita’s gyroscope pointed to. Again, the so-called cabin was not anywhere near the S.U.P.L, but was oppo. the main gate on the otherside of the road – the things we think we know.

The person in charge, contrary to popular expectations, turned out to be a she, who promptly washed her hands from gasoline. He had no choice left but to make the matter official.

Long time no see, he was greeted. Where is Ralph. Write down, one Ralph … what’s his last name. Not him, but a John is missing. Since when. Presumably since Sunday. The previous one. No, from the 52 weeks ago. What’s his last name. Doe. Great. No, really. As much as 52 weeks. Alright, but he came to my office, acting all weird, so I called on the no of a hth facility, whose E.V kindly came to fetch him. What’s E.V. Extravehicular activity. He was an astronaut then. No. Then what exactly was him. He himself couldn’t remember. Well, you have done your Good Samaritan bit, now do you want a medal for it, or what. Ralph, where is he. He committed suicide. Why? This job is apparently unbearable. You’re kidding. No, but you sure know this – your line of work isn’t much different. Do I know you. We know all about you. Since when. Since Ralph committed suicide. Fine, don’t tell me. Mention not.

So, he told me that he had come out of some building, but he couldn’t remember anything else, until I found him in a bar. I thought he came to your office. No, yes, that he did later, because I had given him my card – business is slow, that’s why I give away my cards. OK. In the afternoon he came, and offered me my fee in advance. For what purpose. To find him. Are you sure, he wasn’t the professor, who walked out of university, and forgot his way back. He looked more like a prisoner escaped, but who knows. Then you scammed him by taking his money, and sending him to an asylum. Not at all, I’ve just visited the facility, and both the receptionist et the vehicles’ in charge deny ever seeing the John Doe. I like the definite article you’ve just used. You aren’t much different than Ralph. You wish.

So, are you sending any men of yours. no. But why? because I am sending two able-bodied women to investigate. Off the record, between you et me, why am I seeing so many working women today. Some say a challenge or other was accepted. By whom. The authorities. What sort of a challenge. That all government facilities must employ 50% women on their staff. But the xyz memorial is an NGO-run facility. Many NGOs have voluntarily adopted the plan – are you against it. Oh no, I had written something on the similar lines in some paper eons ago. If there was to be a war between men et us, whom would you support. Let me slip on it, baby. You have slipped well.

Would you tell me about the case progress. Would you. I did discuss with Ralph sometimes. Well, since you brought the case, I would tell you from time to time, but chances are he died at the facility, and he’s now the foundation stone of a high-rise. You’re very pessimistic. That indeed I am.

3 days later, when he was writing his first progress report for the Baron, he received a postcard telling him to come to Bosnia-Herzegovina. He threw it away.

The next day after having obtained nothing concrete or otherwise, he went to the bar, which was closed for the day. The owner denied knowing anything about anything, so he decided to walk around in the narrow streets, which were dark even at 10:30 a.m. Empty for the most part, the streets were reeking of moisture trapped there since they were build, et apparently forgotten.

Mr Doe could have been booted out from any of the buildings, whose back door opened into the streets. However, not many doors could have been opened, as more et more doors were in the process of being permanently shut down from within, he came to know. A day might soon arrive that the city council might close the Streets permanently.

He were able to walk down 8 of them, while noting down any building of interest, before he realized he needed a source of light to continue. The rest he thought he will reconnoiter in the morning, and he doubled back till he reached the starting point. There he loosened the weight of his pocket by emptying its content into others’.

The tender told him boss is unhappy with the progress. What progress. You’re not catching enough fish. Tell him not to worry; I might have a thing or two going, but in the morning he refused to recognize me. In the morning, he fails to recognize himself, the tender smiled, and began to tend to other customers.

He went to the non-smoking area, and lighted a cigarette. What the hell, somebody shouted. I don’t like the taste of other brands mingling with mine. That’s not our problem. Two more puffs, and he was out.

The next day he again forgot to bring the source of light. That day rain was pouring, first a slow drizzle, then came heavy showers. The rain dropped in the narrow alleyways like arrows falling from sky. He had to take cover under an arc in the 3rd Street, which he would remember as 2/3, where 2 stood for the 2nd day of the search. By the time the rain stopped, he must have chewed ½-a-dozen cigarettes, and practiced cursing in various languages. Only a cat was offended in a World where it is difficult to form 3 sentences san cussing under the breath. He merely ran up et down the forth one, which turned out to be a cul-de-sac.

When he on his way back raced pass the arc, he saw the cat was dead, but he didn’t stop. Had he, he’d have seen a shadow standing exactly where he was a few minutes ago, not that he had left his own there, nor was the shadow a ghost, but all that could have been seen at that time of the day was a shadow with cigarette. One read: a dark street, a shadow, a cigarette, and all one can think of is a ghost, which is a smoker, too. But, in fact, it was a human being seeing for the first time this long thing. Life teaches us to take the easy road, while our minds unconsciously apply Okkham’s razor to our milieu. This’s both a blessing et a curse – the former, for we can tell ourselves that time can heal all our scars / we would forget about it sooner or later; the latter, for we have to start all over new – a Demonic Jest from the moment we are conceived (played on the women by men, on the poor by the wealthy, on the humans by the Unknown, etc) – we do forget about Einstein’s dice et Kierkegaard’s cycle a bit too well.

The third day he took a flashlight; went about the rest of the streets – turned out only 7 were left, so no need for the source of light was felt by him. That day he hadn’t taken his cards with him; weighing on his mind this very fact, he drank 2 more beers than his usual one – though unusual also was the tending girl, who demanded that he pay in full. Whatever happened to Joaquin. Who? The previous bartender. He vanished, I guess. Wasn’t the owner against hiring women. Who wasn’t, even women preferred man to work on their behalf. Maybe, but I have this arrangement with the owner. All treaties are being reviewed, haven’t you seen the news. Are you kidding. She changed the channel.

The President has reassured his G-7 counterparts that nothing against their interests will be undertaken. In private calls he has told the same thing to Moscow, Beijing, Riyadh et Canberra. While NAFTA will also remain intact, do you think Stephen that the President really is thinking of changing the World Order. Well, if in MLB there can exist a World Series than by that analogy he is actually doing a lot. You mean that for the time being, his focus is on the internal matters. Indeed …. Victor remembered he hadn’t played on PSV, so he left the bar, after paying, of course, though the girl was engrossed in the political saga – she really was his type, but when had he ever the courage to ask them out – while she kept the change.

Of course, there is a popular convention in detective stories to declare women as girls for obvious reasons. As a counter-measure, in a film, one female character reprimanded another, why are you referring to yourself as girl, haven’t you menstruated. No, I had menopause, came the answer. However, in our current work, the word has been used more in line with the bar terminology than to arouse Y.’s – young men alone association – placards et slogans.

On Sunday, he was sitting in a church whose back-door opened into the Street 2/3 – probably, the arc was it. The sermon was given to an almost empty building, and it seemed the chairs eavesdropped more attentively than the audience – at least, they weren’t yawning. Light coming from a broken rose-window illuminated the face of the Padre, for the church was apparently built in a different orientation than was customary.

After the sermon was delivered, and the audience left without clapping – they had the presence of mind – he approached the Padre. I am looking for someone. You have come to the right place. So, you have some sort of an asylum on the premises. Indeed, this is an asylum for the needy. Can you show it to me, please. But you are already here. No, the asylum itself, please. I meant this is the place for lost sheep; are you not searching for your purpose in this World. I have got that covered; actually, a person is missing, who claimed he was cast away from some place. We all have been cast away from Eden. He also loved metaphors, are you sure he wasn’t your predecessor here. No, I am here these past 10 yrs. Any staff member is a-miss. As you can see, son, it’s a small parish – only a keeper works beside me. And he is fine. Indeed, she is. Has the government regulation been extended to churches, too. What regulation. Never mind, but since when is she working here. 3 yrs, perhaps. And nobody was shown the door this previous month or so. This is God’s house, we don’t turn away anybody. Even criminals. Even criminals. And drunkards. They are welcomed, too, provided they don’t indulge in any obscenity the while they are here. Let’s say, he was exactly the kind you have described. Well, they all look the same, do you have any photograph. No, but I have recorded his voice. Let us hear it, although they grunt the same, don’t they. He remained silent. The tape began to revolve. After a few minutes, the Padre said, can’t say I have heard this voice before. 10 minutes later, the keeper said something similar. He took his leave after slipping a card in the Padre’s pocket.

He then came to think, why not call the number again. 10 minutes later, the E.V was taking a lunatic who thinking the road his bed, was inviting the girls in the summer clothes passing by, would you lie down with me. (I would take credit for this Story, but I’m nothing without Love.) One was actually considering the offer when the E.V arrived. During the brief journey, he asked the medics as well as the driver – all women – to candle-light dinner, while singing

               From head to my soles

               From spirit to my soul

               I, a lunatic belong to Invict Sol

               You say G, I say sol

               My crime, my religion sole

For some reason he wasn’t sedated.

Once they reached a building different than he had visited, he was stripped naked and strapped to a cross. He was declared insane when he wasn’t aroused while a heavenly beauty paraded all naked in front of him. His eyes undiluted et glassy, searching the vanishing point.

While in the days to come he would get his precious info – being considered safe to talk in front of him – he was left on a liquid diet, severely compromising his cognitive abilities.

In 1984, the Soviet KGB et German Stasi joined hands to form an ultra secret service comprising of the most beautiful Caucasian women. The target was Soviet dominance over the entire globe, to be achieved through these femmes fatale by blackmailing politicians, generals, C.E.Os, bureaucrats, et al, after making them fall head over heel via various techniques not falling under the purview of this our current undertaking.

Things became obscure post disintegration of USSR, et esp., since the Berlin Wall had become history. MSZ or – as Mi6 would have it – DaME was infiltrated by the neo-Nazis, anarcha-feminists, Italian Mafia, Illuminati et interestingly even by a Holy Order of Sisters of Mary Magdalene. They tolerated each other despite the fact that Loyalties [sic] had blurred, though on paper they all swore allegiance to Russia, at least until a US President, after being caught in you-know-what, had to resign, while his wife, angry with the man-kind, mobilized sorority federation, which officially took reign from the Russians, changed the name to ΜΣΖ, et the agendum unto Gynocracy, beginning with making homosexual r/ships the new normal | both sexes no longer felt the need for the other, while in the process creating frustration for the heterosexuals, who unable to find (a) sex partner(s) could only turn to homosexual r/ships. Women were, moreover, actively encouraged to exercise their liberty through pornography/prostitution, which troubled the group this industry cater to most frequently: men. Suicides, escapism, hikikomori


were on rampage. Add to that the secret facilities – which mushroomed like the made-for-insurance scam pvt clinics – to keep within its confines any insomniac or somnambulist they found on the streets.

✧On time warp, have you seen flowers opening up to sunlight. And ever found a sea-cucumber of a manhood getting erected to stimulation. In classical anatomy, the latter was inside out version of the flower, the symbol of femininity. We were =quals. But apparently, all we care about is domination as oppose to reciprocity or identity, as if we can survive only when the other, whatsoever we consider our anti-thesis, is subdued. Men were doing it to Wm for ages; it was high time for Wm to subjugate men. A ticking bomb it was, ignored for a toy, which, when exploded, caused all the energy in the cosmos to hit our Eth: Wm in order to prove to themselves that they are cruel, and are 69 96 at it then the bragging men, reminded men of their sensitive parts, in very painful manner. It was publicly demonstrated, in line with Galileo, that both the feather et the stone need a single bullet of the same caliber to embrace Eternity.∎

It becomes so normal that Hollywood Allen makes a film called My Sister is a Pornstar, casting himself (of course) as the titular My, with (inexplicably) a 22 year old beautiful Sister. Critics tell us it’s an adaptation of Murakami exploring the concept of Forbidden Love – just think Kristen S is yer Sister, whom you must hand over to another. Though I doubt Mr Allin [adv] was thinking anything other than how to best spend his leisure time.

Nothing sells like love story, anyway; just a pinch of iodine in the real life of a hero can be turned into a mountain of dough in the story. We relate to such emotional drama, which keeps reinforcing itself, growing on our conscious, and conscience even might condemn us for having been unable to fall in love – this is the reason I tell you why you haven’t become your fav hero name here – even Batman loves, goddamn it.

My name is Yu. I am the secretary of Victor. He has this irrational fear that association with him would lead to my death. Hence, he has arranged for me a separate setup, a studio where I hear whatever is being said around him, and see what he sees. How – he had bugged himself. Yes, my confessor, he is kind of eccentric. Before calling the facility for the second time, he threw the mic and glasses, but I had already arrived at the scene in my Chevrolet truck – I can’t stand the sight of small vehicles – and kept up pace with the ambulance till it disappeared in a dark alley. I kept on going, making a circle round the alley to see if it goes on to intersect the main road on the other side. It didn’t, but the possibilities are endless – for instance, there could have been an entrance in the ground to a modern catacomb: with so many people simply vanishing, it was not a far-fetched idea.

For the time being, I couldn’t have gone in myself, so I bribed a postwoman to deliver a letter addressed to one Ralph, the former chief of local police, now rumored to be residing somewhere near that area. When I next meet her, she had an authentic signature – I had already seen it enough number of times, later corroborated by a writing expert, too – on a fake official paper, in order to acknowledge the receipt of the letter. There was only 1 door in the whole passage, she said: of a large kind, painted blackish brown to imitate oak, with brass knocker, instead of a bell – electric or otherwise. She was met in a rather affectionate manner, by a woman with cropped hair. After asking the purpose of the visit, she promptly called on the intercom to a Helen, asking her to kindly bring our Ralph to the main gate. 5 minutes later, Ralph was signing. He was clean-shaven, looked cheerful and assured. Had I not seen the signature, I would have thought she is describing his antithetical doppelgänger, touching our particular one, scientists tell us, can cause both to disappear without trace, that’s why Vic never shakes hands.

After seeing the woman off, I went to the place of his 2nd best friend, Jack living in a trailer parked well inside the forest. His monkey – he has that Tarzan thing going with Jane – became agitated after seeing me, hushed only when it received a banana on its head. I went inside the doorless home to find a colt .42 pointing at me. It’s me. I know, I’m me, too. Are you again under the influence of euphoria. I’ve turned to x … I think, are you selling, but shoot I ain’t have any money, Jane that oops … she took it, don’t report me. I won’t, and I can even pay you. You a copper. Vic’s secretary. Who, Vic, why ain’t you talked straight ’fore. I am now. OK, but I won’t take no money from him. It’s for me. AaOK, what do you want. False Id and nursing experience. Don’t worry, am a expert in it. How soon. I can do it right now, but I’m seeing 4, you know I haven’t eaten since when was it. Here’s a cheeseburger. Aa thank ya.

The first Id he made was in the name of Yu. That’s my name. Indeed, it is. No it is my real name. That’s why it was cropping in my head like a catchy tune – have you listened to Britney’s ve Polluti histosol. Whatever. But I’m out of paper, can you give me the money, so I can buy some. I had brought the paper with me. After glancing at it sideways, he declared it no good. I can’t wait till tomorrow, Vic’s in trouble. I am feeling fatigued, it happens when I consume carbs ’n’ protein together, that after long time, too. I can bring Jane with me the next time. But she ain’t coming back. When I talk to her, she would return, promise. He chuckled, you are desperate, I see, give it to me, but don’t blame me if it go’ wrong. After this due diligence could you please hurry up. Hurry he did, and an hour later, I was in my studio, contemplating the way of action.

Instead of going directly, I went in a roundabout fashion – to the local newspaper office. I told the booking agent that I would like to advertise the availability of my services. Which are. Nursing. The babies. No, I have 5 year experience in paramedics. I have this rash, can you have a look at it. Why not. Wait a second, said she before disappearing behind blinds. A moment later, she came with another girl, told her to wait at the desk, and then she said to me Come on. I followed her out.

In the ladies’ room, she showed me her rash. Don’t worry; just put some gentian violet upon it. My colleague told me calamine is the go-to medicine. Is she a paramedic. No. Well, it’s up to you. Thanks, anyway. And don’t fall for cotton, either. I won’t.

When we returned, I saw Baron was sitting in the chair where I had left my purse. He was making some joke about the bookfair opening in the Icarus or some other I-s Hotel. I think you are sitting on my purse. He smiled, and took it out from beneath the chair with his left hand, here you are, Madam – a word of advice, do not leave your belongings behind, one never knows, who might get a hold of it. It has nothing much in it. Yet you were worried. Here you are wrong. Have it your way. As we were telling the assistant, we need a male personal aide/housekeeper/cook/driver. A person applying need not have any experience, may even be a lazy dastard. However, he must have a very high emotional quotient, and the rare quality of being able always to say Yes Sir – these abilities, we are told, are of greater necessity with respect to advancing one’s career, than the work-efficiency and turning one’s self into a living timepiece. Is this some sort of joke. Not at all – even write this down as a postscript that any person who thought that this is jest must under no circumstances apply. Would you like to mention the salary you are willing to pay. If we do that, nobody would send their résumé or C.V, which people appreciate more, we take it.

Excuse me but the curriculum vitae is proper still than the American résumé. But résumé is older. Not everything old is gold. And you my friend are an expert on the matter. I am a nurse; I have seen more Alzheimer’s patients than I can count. Then what are you doing here at the newspaper office. The emphasis seemed unnecessary. Why. You are also here, aren’t you. For business, not – he winked at the assistant – for pleasure. It was strictly professional, I can assure you that. We are not saying anything. Indeed, your type never does. What’s our type. You cocoon yourself in a thought bubble, and fire at anything that moves anything at all. You are getting personal. Your tongue was first to attack at the ball of hair. What you might be alluding to? A toad, haven’t you seen it. Thankfully, I missed Darwinism – sparing no frog in order to tell us about the striking similarities that we share with that ugly creature. If you missed, how would you know that it was Darwin’s idea. Everything around us is somebody’s idea. That’s what we call broad-spectrum anti-biotic. How do you say it without jargon. Well, this is your escape route: blame others for what’s wrong with your life. Do not tell us Miss …. Valentina. That’s an exotic little name, Valentina – Nabokov surely missed its lilting sound. You want to change the subject. No, my dear, on the contrary, permit us to ask, are you that mentalist, too. You would not mean psychologist, now do you. Yes, yes, that’s it. No, I am not, but I have years of experience observing all kinds of people. You must be a physiognomist. It’s a hobby, yes, but there is always more to a person than meets the eyes. We were thinking on the similar lines – much pleased to find ourselves on the same page. We will be tomorrow. But we can be today, if you agree to work for us. Were you not searching for a male Yes Sir jack-of-all-trades. You see, we were disappointed with women in general, and our wife in particular; she always bothered us with petty issues, but you have opened our eyes to the other side of the moon, so to speak. No, thank you. As you wish, but there might be an opening at a health facility, if you are interested, we can put a word in. If it can pay well, I would certainly consider it. Here is my card. He presented me his card in such a manner as if he felt reverence to me.

The next morning, our advertisements were printed side by side within a border. I called the number on his card – different, of course, than the published one. Hello. No, Miss Valentina, Paradiso. It’s a cute thing you have done. Have you already received them. I haven’t given you my address. It is in the newspaper, have you forgotten about it. That was silly of me. Nothing you do is silly. But what you have done with my ad is very silly, indeed. Oh no, it has nothing to do with us. If you say so. Do not believe everything you hear, however. Now do I. How would we know, but we have called our friend at the facility; she is looking forward to meet you. Today. That would be nice, yes. What’s the address. That’s the thing; you would be picked up at 10 o’clock, if that’s alright. It’s fine by me. One more thing. Yes. From the vehicle, you won’t be able to see anything. I said nothing. Don’t worry; we vouch for your safety. I don’t know you well either. We are Baron, and consider our self a man of our word. But can you give me an indication of how hopeful my account sits with your lady-friend. In high regards she consider us and anyone whom we mentor. I am not Telemachus. What’s that suppose to mean. The thing is I cannot travel blindly every day. Once you get the job, you shan’t need to worry about that – now should I call her. I actually hesitated before responding affirmatively, which he told me made him glad.

Vic’s other 2nd bestfriend, who was also named Jake, was waiting in his Tesla – I don’t like these electric cars either but it had a pre-installed navigation system, which allowed him to track our vehicle rather easily, due to the fact that I was wearing in my shoes, a microchip, which was sending a beckon. When we entered the alleyway, he went a mile or two onwards to park his car, took out a bi-cycle from the trunk, and came back as fast as he could.

While he was waiting there, I was given a piece of paper. The questions printed upon it were of rudimentary nature, though as the Baron’s friend would tell me afterwards, I took them too easy. I blamed the small boxes given for writing the answers in abbreviated form like C.V instead of cardiovascular and V.D in lieu of venereal disease. She chuckled, perhaps, we want you to think outside of the box. For that purpose, the questionnaire needs to be changed rather than using so subtle a technique. How do you mean. Make the candidate write answer for herself on a separate blank sheet of paper. That’d be time-consuming. But you will get horses for your particular course. Which might be. To make people healthy wealthy and wise. She laughed, You are not that green, are you. We call that blue, though. Blue Dahlia – imaginary anaconda – depressed feelings – the juggling of is & O2B; it doesn’t matter. Yes, the blues, the unfathomable, the realization we’re v.v. small and life goes on. The Beatles, right. You, too, were into them. Hey, I am supposed to i/v you. Please do.

Valentina, what would you ask Freud about the Egyptian concept of Sun as Khepri’s dungball. Can I say, Nothing. You can do that. But you’d show me the door. She smiled. I think Freud was himself anal-fixated, most men are, that’s how they can find themselves at par with us, after telling themselves and indeed us about our supposed vulnerabilities. But the Egyptians also had Nut. The mythology was of the man, for the man, by the man – we shouldn’t be reading much in it. So, you think Nut was another manifestation of men’s eternal fascination with the unfathomable, the mysterious. Yes, the womb, which he can never have; all he can do is carve a V, a niche, and worship it: We were excluded from religions because we need not such contrivances, we are it.

That’d be objectification, don’t you think. Not at all. Well, by claiming women are something that can be worshipped, you objectify. If men want to find peace beneath our feet, I say let’s trample them, they’d be grateful for that show of pity. Don’t you believe in equality. No, we are far better than men.

Right, a while ago you said, most men are anal-fixated, surely that cannot be correct – many religions prohibit r/ships of that nature. There is a grave misconception that if you destroy something it means you didn’t want it; the truth is that we don’t want only those things, which we are indifferent to – destruxion merely demonstrate the fact that we were fascinated with it so much that we hated our fascination, and knowing that we cannot escape the thing we fancy unless it cease to exist, we destroy it to get free: that’s why the ships were burnt before battles.

Do you feel nostalgia. I once thought I did, but when such times that I thought I yearned for, returned, and I was none the happier, I became aware that homesickness is not my malady. Is there any other issue that you have. None – at least never had any diagnosed. You think there might be some lingering problem. Who doesn’t. I don’t have any. No rash or toothache. Never. You must be lucky. Luck has nothing to do with it, you ought to know it. Perhaps, I am still green, after all. I think you don’t want to acknowledge the fact that you have learned it all. Wouldn’t that be a form of nostalgia, to stay the same; like a child playing with origami boats in rainwater, heeding not the advice: It’s no good; the boat will get all soaked up leaving behind a useless paper. A child might want to go back to its original form. Which is. Grass. I never thought that way. To grow back in the rainwater. Perhaps, you are reminiscing about your childhood memories.  But they remain that way despite fading and fake overlapping, additions/editions. Like a book constantly being re-written. More like a journal – ostensibly private and secured. You surely know, that memories are just atoms arranged in a particular way. And the words, too: a comma, a full-stop, a typo – that must be corrected – changes everything. A changed into : a can cause everything to crumble like a total novel or Hawking’s library that from too much knowledge sunk into a black hole. But can also make it a well-founded building. The ends make the means justified, at least retroactively. Don’t you think that you should leave Nuremburg out of it. I don’t quite catch your drift. You said retroactively. I said retrospectively. I don’t think so. We can agree to disagree. But you are recording this conversation. I/v. It’s a -ve pregnant. No, you are right, should we check it. Yes. She rewound the tape, and arbitrarily pressed the button. I said retrospectively. I …. Repeat. … building. The ends make the means justified, at least retroactively. Do …. I stand corrected. I held my impulse to respond affirmatively, via coughing.

She fast-forwarded – I don’t remember, why forwarding is dubbed fast (cf. common cold); perhaps, it is easier to go back in time as Hawking hadn’t conjectured – the tape and arbitrarily pressed the buttons to stop the process. (A listener in the future would never know for sure that the tape was rewound that day in order to listen to the disputed sentence, but who cares, my interlocutor.)

She gave me an editorial to read, which follows though not word for word:-

There is a great adage, like for others what you would like for yourself. We forward this suggestion that the wealthy should at least do 1% for others, what they like for themselves. In our opinion that would lead to overall prosperity, with the lion’s share going back to the affluent, since if those who are today poor find some sort of economic security, they are bound to spend not just on essential items, but also on objects de lux. This is a simple fact; still the wealthy are apparently too dumb to understand it. But is it really so.

It so happens that money engenders power. If the gap between the poor and the wealthy is smaller than is the case, power erodes even if in absolute terms the billionaires turn into trillionaires.

In the worst case scenario as Nietzsche paints, the Chandala out for vengeance would shoot on sight any affluent person; the latter would therefore have to live the life of a posh prisoner in some fortified castle. However, this is more Hollywood imagination of Nietzsche than to border upon any real mise en scène. To the contrary, after being able to live a happier life and becoming a healthy cog in societal machine, those now underprivileged would be less inclined to violence and to disrupt the coherence of social fabric.

She began recording, and asked: What is your take on this: do you agree or disagree. The maxim is indeed good, however, it is observed more in the breach, well sort of: Nietzsche had stated that revolution is dog-mentality, and I have been told that if we are eating like dogs, why can’t you eat like dogs; if we dance on our hind legs and consider it a positive work routine, why can’t you do that; and, the gem is this reciprocity: if we fight with you, you must also fight with us, as if I don’t have any better way of spending my time than to cater to your megalomania. It seems, I have tickled a very personal string, though I assure you I had selected this piece randomly. There is not much random here, but that’s beside the point.

You said megalomania, a lot of our – what we like to call – guests or customers (note from later: the latter pay for the services rendered to them by the facilities) have been clinically diagnosed with this malady; can you please share your insights in this regard. I must incur the anger of many for saying that megalomania’s onset is from childhood. They think that the all-innocent children just cannot succumb to such cruel jest at the hands of nature. But such forget the sheer fragility of the mind of a child still recovering from the trauma of being thrown out into this big world which functions outside their control. Beside genes, the lopsided upbringing can severely hamper the growth of the child into a normal person. Instead, s/he imagines self to be the centre of the universe, and demand from those around a gratitude bordering on worship. Like a rickshaw driver once demanded respect for the tomb we were passing by; but if he really were into it, he ought to have sold his rickshaw, and set himself beside the tomb, I for 1, would have admired him immensely for being able to take it into the next level – may be the only level: where you are heart, mind (and eyes) merely.

The baron said you had the emotional quotient not found in ordinary women, but you are not much different. That I never claimed. OK, but, hopefully, you would do better in the intelligence test today.

How many times can you subtract 1 from 100?


In a 10 storey building, which floor is above the floor, below the floor, below the floor above the floor, below the floor above the 5th?

I don’t think the architect would know the Day before We Went to War, Daddy. It’s the 6th.

Complete the Following: 5 20 1 _ 4 13.

Five multiply four = 20 / 20 = 1 multiply by 4, wait, but 4 is there already … can I get a hint. Clockwise round dartboard. I like archery. Good for you, what’s the answer. 16? No, 18.

If B = M and C = N, then M and N = ?

It’s simple, M = B, N = C. Incorrect, they equal X and Y respectively. That’s unfair.

Which number’s double exceeds its ½ by 99.


Write 5 odd numbers | you get 14 when you add them together.

9+1+1+3/1. It’s 11+1+1+1. That would be 4 odd numbers. No, there are 5 ones. Bastille has been stormed, get over it.

Does one weigh more at North Pole than at the Equator?


What connects a car to sudden grasp, sailor’s clothing, and keeping a room warm?

Sailor’s cloths that we brought in our car yesterday were not warm enough, so the sailor had to use room-heater, when she suddenly grasped that she is not at the sea. The correct answer is clutch, gear and radiator. And what might be the connexion between car’s external antenna with alien antennae.

If 2 is company, and 3 is crowd, what are 4 and 5


Express the number 100 using the same figure 6 times.

66+6+6 … I don’t know. 9999/99.

A English word which when written in capitals is read the same way if turned upside down.


A clock strikes 6 in 5 seconds, how long it’d take to strike 12?


What these words mean: Curfew, Carnival, Kipper.

Fires out, eat no fish, and eat smoked herring.

Do mosquitoes live in cold climates, also?


How many 9s are there in 1-100?


Quickly: 1/8 vowel word.

I don’t remember. It’s strength. I know being able to forget is a good thing. No that’s the answer.

What is wrong with these words: Deft, first, calmness, canopy, hijack, laughing, stupid, crabcake.

They are high on something, perhaps on carbs, but clever enough to have taken the antidote first. They all have 3 letters in alphabetical order. That isn’t illegal. It’s a manner to put off the person answering.

If a 3-number digit (no two of them the same) is subtracted from the same number in reverse, the result consists of the same digits in another order; what’re the numbers?

753 – 357 = 396 … oops. 954 – 459 = 495, is the answer.

Where does a mole live?

In a burrow, I suppose. No, hutch it is.

Suppose you remove the first and last letters from the word sick, and instead put two other letters to form another word; what word this would be?

Mica. Nice. I know it’s nice. No, I have here nice. Yes, but mine is also a standard word. What can I do.

Father of A died in 1888. A died 151 years after zir father was born. The total age of A and zir father = 125 years. When was A born?

IDK. In 1914. A cannot be born 26 years after the father’s death, it is absurd. Maybe, but that’s the answer.

100 o C = 212 o F; 0 o C = 32 o F; when ’ll be they =

-40 o. I have -400, but I suppose, it’s a misprint. So, I got it right. No.

My sister is celebrating her 26th birthday ….

Congrats. Please let me finish: how old is she? She is 26, of course. No, 25.

4×3=144; 2×4=64; 5×3=225; 4×6= 576, then 6×5=?

900, I think.

August is the coldest month, true or false.

It depends. On what factor. Whether you’re in Adelaide or Alaska.

Think of a number, + 10 to’t, ÷ by 4, – 8, result = 10, find the number.

Why. That’s a Q. Yes, but I was told to think of a number, why would you now ask me to find what I already know. Just tell me the answer, will you. 62. It is 52. You can’t fully divide 52+10 upon 4. You’re right, still 0 points.

If 6 : 30x, then 10x : ?

Um, its 50. Wrong, it is 50×2. No, you are wrong: there is only one x on either side. In your heart you know you are incorrect. Let’s move on.

What is right with the following words: Ingoing, Underground, Restores, Ionization, Enticement, Redelivered.

This is the manifesto of an organization that believes in computheism and reincarnation. Can’t argue with that.

Six-ix; ix-x; xl-l; the leftovers = ?

I don’t care, I have developed headache.

Take some Acetylsalicylic acid. What’s that. Our friend said you are trained as nurse. Yes. It’s aspirin.

Why have you told me all the answers. Our friend wants you to get the job one way or the other. So. Have you thought about the figure 8 and the fact that all roads are connected. What has that to do with anything. There exists a fleeting chance that this might shed some Mercury Vapour Light after all on the matter at hand. OK. A few think that a computer from the future is going to retroactively create this universe. I don’t see any future for that prediction – just look at all the future-oriented movies; except for Minority Report, most have miserably failed to come anywhere near to the actual situation. Even that film is only partially successful, yes; still, in your case, the Baron has expressed the desire that you ought to become part of our growing family, and, if necessary, to ask you the same questions over and again until you score perfectly. Perfectly? Like 20/20 vision. Am I the next sniper on the block. The head of administration of this facility. I remained silent but my face showed quizzical signs in abundance for her to laugh whole-heartedly. You are startled, I can see that, and I can’t even offer you the pleasant news that this’s a joke. I lack even a basic experience. That’s the thing, you don’t need any. Like sinecure. No, Valentina not like that. Then? Most of the work would be done by others in accordance to the agenda you have set. I can the set the agenda that the Simpsons must no longer be available in any form. And it will be done. Why? To prove that it can be done. Prove it, but for whom. For us women, who else.

Then why Baron. There are always some among the other groups sympathetic to a cause; all these years ago, some members of French aristocracy looked at the Third Estate in favourable light – they were fed up with the extravagances of their own in high contrast to the poor peasant toiling for nothing, sometimes even excommunicated for being unable to pay in grains to the local church. The Baron I met seemed a different person, but Reign of Terror breeds Reign of Terror. No doubt it is one of the eventualities we must guard against; still, we mustn’t be overly pessimistic – you shall find that when there’s will, you can command rivers and they shall obey, though, we’re a bit far off from reaching that state. But to what end? To make the World a better place. Without men. No, we want only to subjugate testes, they have placed us at the brink of annihilation. Many a women throughout the history have taken a stance similar to men on several issues, such as not cutting back on CFC, not banning nuclear weapons, which many naïvely compare to Kalashnikovs, not heeding that while the latter can be silenced, nuclear weapons would make us all a part of eternal silence. We have testosterone, too, she winked, so we may think at times like men, but surely we can overcome dissent, esp., when men begin to dance to our tunes: Crimson and Clover. Now you’re singing, yes. You like them. Of course, I thought only I knew that obscure band. Well, I thought I am the greatest fan of Donald Sutherland on Eth, so there you go. Men again. I meant of his acting skills. I would have said Amy Adams, but she has won just too many accolades. Oh no, your general knowledge is also pretty average. Now wait a second. That’s just trivia, I know, but she was nominated only once for There Will be Flood, but the award went to the actress whose voiceover of the bird that Noah sent was loved by everybody on the Academy panel. And this reminds me Valentina that you should go and return tomorrow; remember, you can be perfect. What if I am not. Well, we can return again and again – at least for a week, and then we shall see.

I felt brainwashed. Not that I no longer cared for Victor, but something was not the same. That night I spent tossing and turning in my bed, fighting the change of heart I was experiencing, but in the morning, I told Jake that his services were no longer required. He shrugged and went away in his Tesla, though I thought he has his own angle in all this.

It took me a week to answer perfectly, to reach 1.000 average – for a long time Victor had this avg maintained against D’backs, but that was for just 1 at-bat (much later on, a few days ago, on his other lone at-bat against them, he again scored a hit, though the next game would end this streak).

Upon the occasion of symbolically handing over the keys of the facility, she said that it is a sad fact that many of us are forced into a profession by our parents, by unfavorable situation or by sheer hard luck, many of our customers suffer from the consequences of this – the reluctant doctor or teacher think that by catering to the needs of their patients or students, they are somehow entitled to be considered reigning champs or whatever (she nervously smiled, and made a tch sound with her tongue) they are not (she began to laugh but broke off abruptly). I thought she was going to sob, but she simply handed over the mic to me.

I thanked the audience – composed mostly of the guests, but a few customers including, of course, the Baron, who was beaming from the first row – and my predecessor – at whose expanse I made a joke: she who clings to her past still, and while pointing at the symbolic keys, pouted my lips. Only now he recognized me, for he stood up and began to squint at me. A woman in guard’s outfit patted him on his left shoulder. He sat and began to gaze at the ceiling like an eternal loser, who doesn’t believe they have just won President’s Own Tremendous Jackpot. Life can be cruel this way, even when it provides, it comes in quanta, leaving you enough time to remember the bad old days.

Only later when he was weeping in my office that he believed it really was his Yu – then again, I told him I am no longer working for him, that his freedom from this place also heralds my independence. I don’t care; just let me out of here. It is easier to picture weeping women, say Kristen in Anesthesia, but men, they don’t stand a chance of empathy, I didn’t offer him a tissue, his sinusitis making it more pathetic and miserable than as it was, knowing full well his pains and suffering not much different, perhaps, even a mirror image, like car from without a phallic symbol is a womb within – hence, so many prefer to die in their cars, knowing full well that Death is coming – that, too, in spite of all the attachment that we had, this was my Final Act to release him.

Once you step outside, I and you would be complete strangers. Qi intervened, what has this place done to you. That’s none of your business. Exactly 13 days to the minute after he was taken, they were both released. Tesla took them into Jake’s cabin, where Jane was fighting with Jack – as usual – over a chair. It is easier to perceive Rambo than a virago. That’s how the world works.

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